Kohsar Children's Academy

Message for Parents

  • September 21, 2022
Message for Parents


·         Avoid outdoor activities at dusk and dawn.

·         Apply mosquito repellents on exposed skin when moving out of the house.

·         Cover your skin as much as possible wearing long sleeve shirts/socks.

·         Use bed nets for sleeping. Clothes and bed net can be sprayed with repellents.

·         Use mosquito repellent coils or plug in devices.

·         Avoid mosquito breeding.

·         Get rid of stagnant water in pots, tyres, empty containers.

·         Cover all water storage tanks.

·         Empty out water cooler, tanks every week.

·         Keep wet garbage covers, empty out dust bin daily.



Chicken Pox is a highly contagious disease is caused by a virus. The disease is fairly mild but can cause complications that are chronically ill. It is more swear in adults then children.


Itchy rash appear as small blisters. They appear as pimples and get filled with fluids and then form crusted scar. Rash usually start from trunk, chest, back and then move to other parts of body.

The patient can have a mild fever, sore throat which can start a few days before the rash appears. The child feels tired and unwell usually lasting about a week .


Pain relief, rest and plenty of fluids are advised. Creams and ointment can also be applied to ease the discomfort and itching. Discourage children to avoid scratching. Your child should stay at home or school until the blisters have dried up. This usually takes about 5 days after the rash appears. Timely immunization is imperative for protection, however there still are chances of contracting the disease. The effect on patient is mild in nature.